Continuum Depths

In-person Retreat Near Munich, Germany
Susan Harper
Divo G. Müller
June 13 - June 19, 2025

2025-06 Continuum Depths Germany – Info Page

In-person Retreat Near Munich, Germany
Susan Harper
Divo G. Müller
June 13 - June 19, 2025

In nourishing exploratory movement dives, we slow down, and transform through gentle breathing, primordial vocalizing, and engage a multi-faceted movement that ranges from primal-wild to delicate-subtle. We melt and restore in spacious Silence. We listen to the sensual intelligence of the living matrix, until we perceive the emergence of a new movement, a surprising insight that can be fresh and simultaneously ancient and wise.

This retreat includes a “soul quest” time where we are in collective silence for 2 days – where we explore alone and together. The richness of our spontaneous personal discoveries along with our co-creation expands our minds and opens our hearts. Old skins shed, healing occurs, and we emerge with a deeper sense of creativity and love.

Divo will teach one of the sessions and offers a vitalizing Bodybliss class to start the morning.

This retreat is for those with ample Continuum experience.


Event Format

Taught in English translated into German.


Date: June 13-19, 2025

This Continuum Depths Retreat will start Friday, June 13, with dinner at 6 pm and end Thursday June 19, at 1 pm, with lunch.



7-Day Retreat Fee: € 850,-

Find information in English here:

For question, please contact Divo G. Müller:

Location: Jonathan Seminar Hotel, Kellerstraße 5, 83339 Chieming, Germany


About the Teachers


SUSAN HARPER, MSME/T, opens portals of exploratory consciousness. She has the ability to transmit experiences of primal and spiritual fluidity. She inspires participation resulting in embodied innovative discoveries. She teaches internationally and has been contributing to the evolution of Continuum since 1975. She is the developer of Living Dreams, Body of Relating and Perception Trainings. She is a founding member of the Continuum Teacher’s Association. Susan has contributed a chapter to a book titled “Somatic-Oriented Therapies”.

Susan's Longer Bio: Click Here

DIVO G. MÜLLER is a pioneer of innovative movement programs. Divo is a spirited teacher with a creative capacity to translate latest findings of movement science and fascia research into sensuous movement protocols and breath flows. She is the founder of “Bodybliss” a training program fostering women’s health and the Fascial Pelvic Floor Training. Divo has published several books, articles and DVD’s and teaches worldwide

Divo G.'s Longer Bio: Click Here