The movement inquiry of Continuum opens a heartful, responsive organism and a wondrous attentional capacity. We explore movement in the language of life with subtle wave motion, micromovements, primordial breathing and sounding.
We deepen in the true nature of the heart: the capacity for love, consciousness, imagination, kindness, and joy. We are nourished in the breathing of the world, in the primal pulse of the living cosmos, and in vast Stillness.
This retreat includes a “soul quest” time where we are in collective silence for 1.5 days – where we explore alone and together. The non-local field of awareness is potent when we dive together and immerse in a palpable sense of timelessness and sacredness.
Taught in English translated into Japanese.
We meet on the first day at 13:30 and end at 13:00 on the last day.
To read more:
To apply for this event, please visit:
For questions, please contact Yoshitaka Koda 幸田良隆:
I love teaching in Koyasan. In the year 816 AD, a monk by the name of Kukai (774 ~ 835 AD), posthumously named Kobo Daishi, founded Shingon Buddhism and the monastery complex known as Koyasan. There is a beatiful 2 km path to monk Kobo Daishi’s mausoleum with more than 200,000 tombstones and 20,000 Jizo statues. For over 1,200 years Koyasan has flourished as an active monastic center, and is one of Japan’s most sacred sites.
About the Teachers

SUSAN HARPER, MSME/T, opens portals of exploratory consciousness. She has the ability to transmit experiences of primal and spiritual fluidity. She inspires participation resulting in embodied innovative discoveries. She teaches internationally and has been contributing to the evolution of Continuum since 1975. She is the developer of Living Dreams, Body of Relating and Perception Trainings. She is a founding member of the Continuum Teacher’s Association. Susan has contributed a chapter to a book titled “Somatic-Oriented Therapies”.
Susan's Longer Bio: Click HereWebsite: