Heart of Courage

An Online Continuum Inquiry
Susan Harper
January 25 - January 27, 2025

2025-01 Heart of Courage – Registration

An Online Continuum Inquiry
Susan Harper
January 25 - January 27, 2025
“It takes courage to open the heart and learn what anguish it has and what remedies can be found within it. Courage is a heart word that derives from the Latin cor; it refers to the core of one’s deepest feelings and innermost thoughts.” – Michael Meade

Knowing our deep heart values inspires us to act with courage and love in our shared world.

In these polarized and fractured times, we are called to imagine more courageously. We will build resources and awaken courage to simmer in the tension, in the paradox of awe and what is awful. In times of trouble, we learn to listen to the deeper imagination until hidden insights emerge.

Continuum explorations are guided by deep listening and respect for organismic intelligence. With primordial breaths, sounds and movements, we strengthen and awaken our body/heart/mind. We soften what has become habitually frozen, freeing love and heartfelt courage.

We consciously bring inquiry to meet our fears, recognize the goodness of our hearts, and radiate love into our shared world. Small loving efforts of healing and creation contribute to life-sustaining and life-affirming choices.

Limited to 20 participants for in-depth mentoring.

Susan has a heart wish to deepen with each person AND for us to engage in inquiry with one another. A willingness to be in greater engagement and participation with each other is key to this workshop. We will be making use of breakout rooms and sharing with each other.

In the first session each day, she will be laying out the main conceptual frame work and offering perceptual experiments. In the second session, we will have a long Continuum dive and inner work. Susan requests that you attend the first session of each day, (both sessions even better). If you have to miss the second session, then please view the recording as soon as you can.

Event Format

We will have two Zoom sessions each day. Susan will guide rituals, meditative and perceptual explorations, and an extended Continuum dive. There will be time for sharing our experiences and ask questions.


Saturday, Sunday and Monday
Session 1
9:00am-12:30pm Pacific Time / 12:00-3:30pm Eastern Time (
see in your local time here)
Session 2
3:00-5:30pm Pacific Time / 6:00-8:30pm Eastern Time (see in your local time here)


3-Day Workshop Fee: $420 – Group size limited to 20

Cancellation Fee: $75 

Register Now

If you live in the US: We prefer Zelle or a check. If these payment methods work for you, do not fill out the form below – instead email Helene at support@continuummontage.com.

If you prefer to use our online registration form: after you fill out the form and click the “register” button, make sure to also submit your payment information. Registration through the form below is only sent to us if the payment is completed.

Registration closes on 01/22/2025.

Questions? Contact Helene Rein at support@continuummontage.com.

Heart of Courage Registration


How to Take An Online Course

We use Zoom. You’ll need a computer, iPad or iPhone, and a good internet connection

  • Download the latest Zoom app: https://zoom.us/download. It is painless, fast, and free.
  • If you have a computer, choose that over the iPad or iPhone, not only will the sound be better but also you can interact more and see more of others.
  • For better sound quality, connect to an external speaker.

How do I join online?
You will receive a confirmation email after you pay for the retreat. The Zoom information will be emailed to you closer in time to the retreat. Please do not share this link and Zoom information with anyone else since we want to ensure that the people who are registering for the class will be able to attend.

About the Teachers


SUSAN HARPER, MSME/T, opens portals of exploratory consciousness. She has the ability to transmit experiences of primal and spiritual fluidity. She inspires participation resulting in embodied innovative discoveries. She teaches internationally and has been contributing to the evolution of Continuum since 1975. She is the developer of Living Dreams, Body of Relating and Perception Trainings. She is a founding member of the Continuum Teacher’s Association.

Susan's Longer Bio: Click Here
Website: www.continuummontage.com