We have a vital need for wild unknown spaces, to sit in awareness in the innermost cave of the heart and in the multi-dimensional essence of nature. We invite relational sensuous perceiving and develop spaciousness to meet the complex feelings stirred by life. We tend transpersonal belonging to the elemental intelligences, to imaginal energies, and to the “more-than-human” world.
A Continuum journey takes us into an inner intimacy through meditative silence, perceiving intrinsic movements, primal biomorphic expressions, and dynamic play. We expand in embodied vastness.
We slow down to hear the messages coming from our bodies saying that it is time to stop, to rest, to grieve, and to restore. We arrive at a place of baptism and restoration, a still point within the chaos of life. Incubatory spaces allow us to empty, to shed old habits and outworn beliefs, and to gestate in the luminous dark.
Truly fresh spacious imagination enables us to see beyond, where we find new inspiration, motivation and creativity.
This workshop is in the home of Denise and Ken and they request these precautions to keep each of us as safe as possible.
In order attend the retreat we will require you to agree to the following:
1. I will take home tests (with negative results) each day for 2 days before the group begins or I will not come.
2. During the workshop, I agree to take a home Covid-19 test each morning before coming to the group
3. If I test positive I will not come.
~ This means you need to purchase or obtain a total of 5 tests; 2 for before the workshop plus 3 (one for each day of the workshop) ~
For free tests: https://www.covid.gov/tests
For further precautions:
- Wear a mask while shopping indoors
- Increase your time in hand washing and sanitizing
Workshop Times: 10am-6pm. Bring a lunch.
Location: Private studio near Boyes Hot Springs, CA
3-Day Workshop Fee: – $425 Group size limited to 15
Non-Refundable Registration Fee: $150 – We will send an invoice with the remaining balance due by May 31, 2024.
Cancellation Policy: All payments non-refundable after May 31, 2024 unless we can fill your place. Non-refundable registration fee still applies.
How to Apply
Registration for this event is now closed.
To inquire about the waitlist, contact Helene Rein at support@continuummontage.com.
About the Teachers

SUSAN HARPER, MSME/T, opens portals of exploratory consciousness. She has the ability to transmit experiences of primal and spiritual fluidity. She inspires participation resulting in embodied innovative discoveries. She teaches internationally and has been contributing to the evolution of Continuum since 1975. She is the developer of Living Dreams, Body of Relating and Perception Trainings. She is a founding member of the Continuum Teacher’s Association. Susan has contributed a chapter to a book titled “Somatic-Oriented Therapies”.
Susan's Longer Bio: Click HereWebsite: www.continuummontage.com