Heart of Inquiry

In-Person Workshop in San Anselmo, CA
Susan Harper
February 9 - February 11, 2024

x2024-02 Heart of Inquiry Embodywise – Info Page

In-Person Workshop in San Anselmo, CA
Susan Harper
February 9 - February 11, 2024

In Continuum dives we open the creative art of inquiry through sensual movement, gentle breathing, aware self-touch, micromovements and primordial sounding. Moving in resonance with the elements (water, air, fire, earth and space) deepens our inherent connection to the breathing planetary body.

We actively participate in liberating unexamined habitual styles of perceiving. Each perceptual style affects our posture, movement and psychological profile; and affects how we relate.

We inquire into our core patterns — healing those that limit us, and enhancing those that bring us openness, connection and depth. A strong, flexible and perceptive body/psyche feeds our creative resiliency as we meet, orient and respond to an ever-changing world.

Read more and register here: https://embodywise.arlo.co/w/events/18-heart-of-inquiry

About the Teachers


SUSAN HARPER, MSME/T, opens portals of exploratory consciousness. She has the ability to transmit experiences of primal and spiritual fluidity. She inspires participation resulting in embodied innovative discoveries. She teaches internationally and has been contributing to the evolution of Continuum since 1975. She is the developer of Living Dreams, Body of Relating and Perception Trainings. She is a founding member of the Continuum Teacher’s Association. Susan has contributed a chapter to a book titled “Somatic-Oriented Therapies”.

Susan's Longer Bio: Click Here
Website: www.continuummontage.com