Heart of Belonging

Susan Harper
Rebecca Lawson
October 6 - October 8, 2023

x2023-10 Heart of Belonging

Susan Harper
Rebecca Lawson
October 6 - October 8, 2023

Belonging is a powerful theme, directly related to our longing for intimacy—to meet and be fully met. We suffer when our need for connection is not met. By refining the compass of our genuine longing and belonging, new possibilities emerge.

Themes of Longing and Belonging 

  • Inner Belonging to one’s own bones, breath and heart with their longing and belonging songs.
  • Tend Feelings of the Heart – grief and joy ~ anguish and awe
  • Relational Sensuous Perceiving allows consciousness to stream into the world, to contact it deeply, and to let discoveries flow back inside.
  • Transpersonal Belonging to the elemental intelligences, to imaginal energies, and to the “more-than-human” world.

What is calling in your heart asking to be born into this world, that would fulfill a longing of this world?

Continuum Explorations
Susan and Rebecca bring movement motifs and primordial sound explorations to facilitate a healing liquid articulation throughout the whole organism. The process is pleasurable and empowering.

These practices open fresh heart-based perceiving, creative imagination, and a radical capacity for presence, resonance and love.

Event Format

Each day we will have two Zoom sessions. Susan and Rebecca will guide meditative, perceptual explorations, and an extended Continuum dive (no need to look at a screen.) There will be time for questions and answers to refine the process of our soulful inquiry and for sharing our experiences. We will also make use of breakout rooms for paired exercises.

We are pleased to have additional Continuum teachers assisting.


Friday, Saturday and Sunday
October 6-8, 2023

Session 1
9-12:30pm Pacific Time / 12-3:30pm Eastern Time (
see in your local time here
Session 2
3-5:30pm Pacific Time / 6-8:30pm Eastern Time (see in your local time here)
This event will be recorded for those who cannot attend live.
Recordings will be available online for 6 months.


Workshop Fee $395
Sponsorship Fee $435 — Helps Someone Else Attend
Scholarship Fee $275 — If You Have Financial Challenge
Radically Discounted Scholarship Fee $175 — all available spots have been claimed

Cancellation Fee: $75

Register Now

Registration for this event is now closed.

To inquire about the waitlist, contact Helene Rein at susanharper2012@gmail.com.

How to Take An Online Course

We will use a platform called Zoom. You’ll need a computer, iPad or iPhone, and a good internet connection

  • Download the latest Zoom app: https://zoom.us/download. It is painless, fast, and free.
  • If you have a computer, choose that over the iPad or iPhone, not only will the sound be better but also you can interact more and see more of others.
  • For better sound quality, connect to an external speaker.

How do I join online?
You will receive a confirmation email after you pay for the retreat. The Zoom information will be emailed to you closer in time to the retreat. Please do not share this link and Zoom information with anyone else since we want to ensure that the people who are registering for the class will be able to attend.

About the Teachers


SUSAN HARPER, MSME/T, opens portals of exploratory consciousness. She has the ability to transmit experiences of primal and spiritual fluidity. She inspires participation resulting in embodied innovative discoveries. She teaches internationally and has been contributing to the evolution of Continuum since 1975. She is the developer of Living Dreams, Body of Relating and Perception Trainings. She is a founding member of the Continuum Teacher’s Association.

Susan's Longer Bio: Click Here
Website: www.continuummontage.com

REBECCA LAWSON, MA, R-DMT, RSME/T, is a Continuum Teacher, founding member of the Continuum Teachers Association, mentor, therapist, and group facilitator with 42 years of extensive studies in dance, psychology, somatic trainings, and exploratory consciousness. She has had extensive training in alignment, ideokinesiology, effort/shape analysis, authentic movement, yoga, connective tissue massage and improvisational movement.

Rebecca's Longer Bio: Click Here
Website: www.evolvingtherapies.com