Heart of Awe

Susan Harper
July 28 - July 30, 2023

x2023-07 Heart of Awe – Registration

Susan Harper
July 28 - July 30, 2023

Awe arises when we witness kindness, courage, birth and death, and when we wander in the wondrous body of nature with our sense perceiving open and fresh.

Innate instinct for what is beautiful and awe-inspiring is a resource for the mind, body, and spirit.

We are in the transformative emotion of awe when we commune in conjunctive resonance with the movements of living waters, alive colors of the green earth, and dwell in bird song of the ever-changing sky.

Awe is the direct experience of being touched. We feel awe in our bodies, our hearts open, and our minds expand.

To stand before the great forces of creation and destruction inherent in wild nature also awakens awe. In ancient times the word AWE was defined as fear and great reverence – worthy of respect.

What We Will Do

Enter the sacred gateway of the body in primordial sounding and fluid movement. Allow time to slow, to gestate, and to perceive the creative animating forces that move in nature and in consciousness.

We vitally need unknown spaces to sit in awareness, in the inner and outer caverns of nature’s imagination, and for concentrated inner heart work. Enliven a potent communion and tend the interconnectedness of your soul and the starry universe.

Our time together is a place of refuge, to be with the yearnings of life. We will build resources and awaken courage to simmer in the tension, in the paradox of awe and what is awful. Not-knowing “the way”, we enter the generative mysteries, to discover ancient yet fresh innovative “ways” to meet current challenges.

Event Format

Each day we will have two Zoom sessions. Susan will guide meditative, perceptual explorations, and an extended Continuum dive (no need to look at a screen.) There will be time for questions and answers to refine the process of our soulful inquiry and for sharing our experiences. We will also make use of breakout rooms for paired exercises.


Friday, Saturday and Sunday
July 28-30, 2023

Session 1
9-12:30pm Pacific Time / 12-3:30pm Eastern Time (
see in your local time here
Session 2
3-5:30pm Pacific Time / 6-8:30pm Eastern Time (see in your local time here)
This event will be recorded for those who cannot attend live.
Recordings will be available online for 6 months.


Workshop Fee $395
Sponsorship Fee $435 — Helps Someone Else Attend
Scholarship Fee $275 — If You Have Financial Challenge

Cancellation Fee: $75

Register Now

Registration for this event is now closed.

To inquire about the waitlist, contact Helene Rein at susanharper2012@gmail.com.

How to Take An Online Course

We will use a platform called Zoom. You’ll need a computer, iPad or iPhone, and a good internet connection

  • Download the latest Zoom app: https://zoom.us/download. It is painless, fast, and free.
  • If you have a computer, choose that over the iPad or iPhone, not only will the sound be better but also you can interact more and see more of others.
  • For better sound quality, connect to an external speaker.

How do I join online?
You will receive a confirmation email after you pay for the retreat. The Zoom information will be emailed to you closer in time to the retreat. Please do not share this link and Zoom information with anyone else since we want to ensure that the people who are registering for the class will be able to attend.

About the Teachers


SUSAN HARPER, MSME/T, opens portals of exploratory consciousness. She has the ability to transmit experiences of primal and spiritual fluidity. She inspires participation resulting in embodied innovative discoveries. She teaches internationally and has been contributing to the evolution of Continuum since 1975. She is the developer of Living Dreams, Body of Relating and Perception Trainings. She is a founding member of the Continuum Teacher’s Association. Susan has contributed a chapter to a book titled “Somatic-Oriented Therapies”.

Susan's Longer Bio: Click Here
Website: www.continuummontage.com