Continuum Mystery Depths In-Person Retreat

In Chapel Hill, NC
Susan Harper
Rebecca Lawson
March 22 - March 28, 2023

x2023-03 Continuum Mystery Depths In-Person Retreat March – Registrations from Wait List

In Chapel Hill, NC
Susan Harper
Rebecca Lawson
March 22 - March 28, 2023
Michael Meade says, “When our world turns dark and seems about to fall apart it is part of the mystery of life that the human soul can awaken, grow greater, and reveal inner gifts.”

In challenging times like these, we need inquiry to go beyond the familiar, to dissolve spells of conditioning and follow the wise longing of our soul. Through initiatory rituals, we make a soulful descent into the fertile dark, where we can transmute loss and despair. Wholeness reveals ways of healing brokenness; new realities emerge.

A Continuum Mystery Depths offers a place of refuge and potent communion. Enter the sacred gateway of the body in primordial sounding and fluid movement. Listen in heartful Awareness and “feel” the generative mystery all around and inside. We are nourished in the breathing of the world, in the primal pulse of the living cosmos, and in vast Stillness.

This retreat includes a “soul quest” time where we are in collective silence for 2 days – where we explore alone and together. The non-local field of awareness is potent when we dive together and immerse in a palpable sense of timelessness and sacredness. Included are transformative elemental rituals that can be done indoors and outside in nature.

Event Format

Through inspirational principles and experiential instructions, Susan or Rebecca will guide meditative and perceptual explorations and offer extended Continuum dives. There will be time for questions and answers and for sharing our experiences.

Limited to 22 participants, Continuum experience a must.


We will have a lovely experienced group of divers coalescing for this adventure, with a wondrous age range of 30s to 80s. We have a strong heart motivation to be responsible and keep our elders and any of us who might be vulnerable protected. Given the interactive nature of the retreat, we will need to put in place extra precautions to keep each of us as safe as possible.


In order attend the retreat we will require you to agree to the following:
1. I will take home tests (with negative results) each day for 3 days before the group begins or I will not come.
2. During the workshop, I agree to take a home Covid-19 test each morning before coming to the group
3. If I test positive I will not come.
~ This means you need to purchase or obtain a total of 10 tests; 3 for before the workshop plus 7 (one for each day of the workshop) ~
For free tests:
4. I agree to further precautions (listed below).

For further precautions:
• Get takeout rather than eating indoors in a restaurant
• Wear a mask while shopping indoors
• If you hang out with friends outside of the group wear a mask
• Increase your time in hand washing and sanitizing



7-Day Retreat Fee: $850.
(Included in the retreat fee is a Non-Refundable Registration Fee of $150)

CANCELLATION POLICY: All payments non-refundable after February 8, 2023 unless we can fill your place. Non-refundable registration fee still applies.


Register Now

Registration for this event is now closed.

To inquire about the waitlist, contact Helene Rein at

About the Teachers


SUSAN HARPER, MSME/T, opens portals of exploratory consciousness. She has the ability to transmit experiences of primal and spiritual fluidity. She inspires participation resulting in embodied innovative discoveries. She teaches internationally and has been contributing to the evolution of Continuum since 1975. She is the developer of Living Dreams, Body of Relating and Perception Trainings. She is a founding member of the Continuum Teacher’s Association.

Susan's Longer Bio: Click Here

REBECCA LAWSON, MA, R-DMT, RSME/T, is a Continuum Teacher, founding member of the Continuum Teachers Association, mentor, therapist, and group facilitator with 42 years of extensive studies in dance, psychology, somatic trainings, and exploratory consciousness. She has had extensive training in alignment, ideokinesiology, effort/shape analysis, authentic movement, yoga, connective tissue massage and improvisational movement.

Rebecca's Longer Bio: Click Here